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Derbyn / Reception Mrs Walters

Croeso i ddosbarth derbyn Mrs Walters

Welcome to Mrs Walters' class

Dyma Tedi Twt a Tesni, ffrindiau'r dosbarth.

Mae seren yr wythnos yn mynd â nhw adref ar y penwythnos.

Here are Tedi Twt and Tesni, friends of our class. The star of the week takes one home each weekend.



Ewch i dudalen 'Oriel' i weld rhagor!

Go to the 'Gallery' to see more!




Aethon ni i Gapel Canaan ar ymweliad i ddysgu am waith Duw. Diolch i Mrs Sian Davies am ddangos y capel i ni. Cawsom ni wasanaeth yn y capel cyn mynd yn ôl i'r ysgol.

We went on a visit to Canaan Chapel to learn about God's work. Many thanks to Mrs Sian Davies for showing us the chapel. We held a service in the chapel before going back to school.


Gwnaethon ni luniau o'n tadau i roi ar flaen ein cardiau Sul y Tadau. Gwnaethon ni batrymau ailadroddus o gwmpas y cardiau.

We drew pictures of our dads to make Father's Day cards. We made repeating patterns around them.

Dyma ni wrthi'n dysgu sgiliau darllen ac ysgrifennu drwy wahanol gemau!

Here we are learning reading and writing skills through different games!


           jig so melyn       lindys melyn 


llun a gair glas    velcro glas    lindys gwyrdd


Ein thema ni ar gyfer tymor yr Haf ydy 'Awn i Siopa'. Aethon ni i dref Maesteg i weld pa fath o siopau sydd yno. Gwnaethon ni helfa siopau, a chawson ni siocled yn y siop gacennau, a lolipop yr un yn y siop losin! Mmmmm! Aethon ni i'r parc wedyn i gadw'n heini!

Our theme for the summer term is 'Let's go Shopping'. We went to Maesteg town to see what types of shops are there. We did a shop hunt, and had chocolate in the cake shop and a lollypop each in the sweet shop! Mmmmm! We went to the park afterwards to keep fit!


Aethon ni i Tesco er mwyn gweld sut mae bara'n cael ei wneud. Blason ni gaws a gwelon ni'r gwahanol fathau o bysgod sydd ar werth. Archfarchnad ydy Tesco sy'n gwerthu pob math o bethau.

We went to Tesco to see how bread is made. We tasted cheese and saw the different types of fish that are for sale. Tesco is a supermarket that sells all types of things. 

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn dysgu am siapiau gwahanol hefyd. Welsoch chi siapiau a rhifau o gwmpas y dref? Edrychwch eto yn ofalus! Gwnaethon ni luniau a modelau allan o siapiau 2D a 3D yn y dosbarth.

We have been learning about different shapes too. Did you see shapes and numbers around town? Look again, carefully! We have made pictures and models out of 2D and 3D shapes in class.


Ein thema ni cyn y Pasg oedd 'Bwystfilod Bychain' ac rydyn ni wedi bod yn cymharu ac yn mesur lindys gwahanol.

Our theme before Easter was 'Minibeasts' and we have been comparing and measuring different caterpillars.

mesur mesur2  mesur5

Daeth Taith y Trychfilod i'n hysgol ni, a chawson ni hwyl a sbri yn dal trychfilod o bob lliw a llun! Edrychwch ar ein lluniau!

The Minibeast Roadshow came to school, and we had lots of fun holding all different types of minibeasts! Look at out photographs!


Yn ein cornel chwarae rôl, rydyn ni'n cuddio trychfilod bach, ac yn dod o hyd iddyn nhw gan esbonio ble roeddent yn cuddio.

In our roleplay corner, we hide different minibeasts, and have to find them, explaining where we found them.


Cuddion ni drychfilod ymysg y dail yn y dŵr, Roedd yn rhaid i ni ddewis cerdyn rhif, a chyfri'r trychfilod yn gywir.

We hid minibeasts amongst the leaves in the water. We had to choose a number card, and count the correct  number of minibeasts.



Edrychwch ar ein harddangosfeydd!

Look at our displays!

   Sul y Mamau Hapus!   Happy Mothers' Day!

Gwnaethon ni rodd yr un. We each made a gift.

Sul y Fam

Ym mis Ionawr, ein thema ni oedd 'Brrr!' sef tywydd oer y Gaeaf. Gwnaethon ni lawer o bethau cyffrous!

In January, our theme was 'Brrr!' namely the cold Winter weather. We did lots of exciting things!

Defnyddion ni ein sgiliau Llythrennedd a Rhifedd i ddysgu am y Gaeaf. Trefnon ni luniau o stori 'Allan yn yr Eira', labelon ni luniau,  a gwnaethon ni greu dynion eira allan o bob math o ddefnyddiau gwahanol!

We used our Literacy and Numeracy skills to learn about Winter. We ordered pictures from the story 'Out in the Snow', we labelled pictures, we created snowmen from all sorts of different materials! 

Ein hoff ffilm ni ydy 'Rhewllyd', a phenderfynon ni greu cornel chwarae rôl am y ffilm.

Our favourite film is 'Frozen', and we decided to create a roleplay corner about the film.


Ym mis Ionawr, roedd Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen. Danfonon ni galon at rywun roedden ni'n ei g/charu.

In January, it was Saint Dwynwen's Day. We sent a heart to someone we love.

'Pentre Bach' oedd ein thema ni cyn y Nadolig, lle mae Sali Mali a'i ffrindiau a'i pherthnasau'n byw. Roedd cornel chwarae rôl 'Caffi Sali Mali' yn y dosbarth.

Our theme leading up to Christmas was 'Pentre Bach', where Sali Mali and her friends and relatives live. We set up a cafe as our role play area for Sali Mali.

Gwnaethon ni fodelau o bob adeilad yn y pentref i greu map. Roedd yn rhaid i ni gydweithio fel grwp i adeiladu'r modelau allan o ysbwriel wedi'i ailgylchu.

We made models of all the buildings in the village to make a map. We had to cooperate as a group to make each of the models out of recycled rubbish.

Edrychon ni ar sgarff Mrs Migl Magl, a chynllunion ni sgarff newydd iddi. Aethon ni ati i greu'r sgarff, a gwerthuson ni'r sgarffiau ar y diwedd, gan ddweud beth oedd ein hoff bethau am bob un.

We looked at Mrs Migl Magl's scarf, and then we designed a new one for her. We set about making our new scarves, and we reviewed them at the end of the task, by saying what we liked about each one.

Dyma ni yn ein sioe Nadolig!

Here we are in our Christmas show!

Dysgon ni dechneg newydd i greu cardiau Nadolig. Dewision ni gerdyn, a gosodon ni stribedi o bapur Nadolig tu ôl i'r ffenestri siap. Wedyn, dewision ni bethau amrywiol i'w haddurno.

We learned a new technique to create our Christmas cards. We chose a card, and set strips of Christmas paper behind the different shaped windows. Then, we chose different things to decorate our own cards. 

Defnyddion ni'r lluniau o'n sioe Nadolig i greu calendrau. Rydyn ni'n symud y peg o gwmpas wrth i'r mis newydd ddod.

We used pictures from our Christmas show to make calendars. We move the peg around the frame as a new month arrives.

Ein thema ni ym mis Medi oedd

Y Byd Mawr Crwn

Our theme in September was

The Big Wide World


Mae byd plentyn bach yn dechrau gyda nhw eu hunain. Dyma arddangosfa ohonynt.

A child's world begins with them themselves. Here is a display of all of us.

Trafodon ni sut mae pawb yn cyrraedd yr ysgol ac yn mynd adref. Casglon ni ddata i greu arddangosfa.

We discussed how everyone travels to school and goes home. We collected data to make a display.


Aethon ni i lawr i'r dref i'r Asiantaeth Deithio.

Gwelsom ni wahanol wledydd y byd yn y llyfrau teithio.

Cawsom ni fag yr un yn llawn pethau diddorol i weld a darllen.

We went down into town to visit the Travel Agents.

We saw lots of different countries in the brochures.

We each had a bag of goodies to look at and read.



Rydyn ni wedi bod yn dysgu sut i ffurfio llythrennau. Dyma ni yn defnyddio rhubanau dawnsio i ffurfio 'm' ac 'a' tu fas - joio!

We have been learning how to form letters correctly. Here we are using dance ribbons to form 'm' and 'a' outside - enjoy!


Rydyn ni wedi bod yn blasu bwyd sy'n dechrau â 'm' a chreu modelau toes.

We have been tasting food that begins with 'm' and making dough models.




Rydym ni wedi bod yn mwynhau stori 'Y Tri Mochyn Bach'. Dyma ni yn chwarae rôl - gwyliwch rhag yr hen flaidd cas!

We have been enjoying the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. Here we are role-playing - watch out for the big bad wolf!




Dyma arddangosfeydd o'r stori, a gwaith creadigol y plant.

Here are some displays of the story and of the children's creative work.


Rydym ni wedi bod yn curo rhythm gan ddefnyddio offerynnau gwahanol. Rhaid cyfri'n ofalus!

We have been making different rhythms using musical instruments. We have to count carefully!

Daeth ymwelydd atom ni gyda'i bypedau gwahanol. Dysgon ni am sut i fod yn arwr.

A visitor came to school with his collection of puppets. We learned how to be a hero.

Cawsom ni lawer o hwyl yn dysgu am Noson Tân Gwyllt! Gwnaethon ni rocedi, lluniau a ser i'w rhifo. Rholion ni farblys mewn paent i greu marciau lliw fel y tân gwyllt.

We had lots of fun learning about Bonfire Night. We made rockets, collages and counting stars. We rolled marbles in coloured paint to make coloured marks that looked like fireworks.

Codon ni arian ar gyfer Plant Mewn Angen. Gwisgon ni smotiau neu streipiau a daeth Pydsi i ddweud 'Diolch'!

We raised money for Children in Need. We came to school wearing spots and stripes and Pudsey called to say 'Thank you'!

Gwnaethon ni batrymau ailadroddus gan ddefnyddio gwahanol luniau o Pydsi a Blush.

We made repeating patterns using different pictures of Pudsey and Blush.

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn dysgu am ffyrdd i gadw'n iach ac yn hapus. Dyma rai o'n syniadau.

We have been learning about ways to keep healthy and happy. Here are some of our ideas.

Daeth PC Evans i siarad â ni am ffyrdd i fod yn ddiogel tu fas.

PC Evans came to talk to us about ways to be safe when we are outdoors.

Ysgol Cynwyd Sant, Pen-Yr-Ysgol, Maesteg, Bridgend, Wales, CF34 9YE Tel: 01656 815615