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Ysgol Cynwyd Sant

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Derbyn/Reception - Mrs A Walters


Dyma staff ein dosbarth ni.

Here are our staff.

Dyma amserlen yr wythnos i'ch helpu chi i gofio'r pethau pwysig.

Here is our weekly timetable to help you remember important things.


Dyma Smotyn, sy'n mynd adref gyda 'Seren yr wythnos' bob dydd Gwener. Mwynhewch y penwythnos!

This is Smotyn, who goes home with the 'Star of the Week' each Friday. Enjoy the weekend!

Ein prosiect nesaf ydy 'Sut alla i gadw'n iach?'. Penderfynodd y plant bod eisiau bwyta'n iach, felly aethon ni ati i flasu ffrwythau newydd er mwyn gweld os ydyn ni'n gallu bwyta mwy o ffrwythau a llysiau a bwyd sy'n iach.

Our next project is 'How can we stay healthy?'. The children decided that we need to eat healthily, so we tasted new fruits that we hadn't tried before to see if we can eat more fruit, vegetables and healthy food.

Ar ôl trafod pa fwydydd roedd pawb yn eu hoffi, aethon ni ati i greu smwddis gan ddefnyddio hoff ffrwythau plant y dosbarth. Torron ni'r ffrwythau yn eu hanner, a'u cymysgu a'u blasu. Roedd rhai yn fwy poblogaidd na'i gilydd!

After discussing which foods everyone liked, we created smoothies using the children's favourite fruits. We cut the fruit in half, and mixed them together before tasting them. Some were more popular than others!

Roedd y plant eisiau mwy o gyfleoedd i chwarae tu fas fel llais y disgybl, felly cawson nhw sesiynau yn ein jyngl ni. Am hwyl!

As part of the pupil voice, the children wanted more sessions at outdoor play, so they had sessions in our outdoor jungle. what fun!

Daeth Louise i'r ysgol er mwyn trafod sut i gadw'n iach. Dysgodd hi i ni sut i olchi dwylo'n gywir a phryd i olchi dwylo.

Louise came to school to discuss how to keep heatlhy. She taught us how to wash our hands correctly and when to wash our hands.

Gwnaethon ni ein gwasanaeth dosbarth o flaen ffrindiau a theuluoedd. Thema'r gwasanaeth oedd sut ddatblygon ni'r pedwar diben yn ystod y flwyddyn dderbyn. Dyma'r pedwar diben sydd yn sail i'n haddysg ni yn y dosbarthiadau meithrin a derbyn. Rydyn ni wedi eu haddasu o'r rhai gwreiddiol er mwyn iddynt fod mewn ffurf gall y plant dan bump eu deall.

We did our class assembly in front of friends and family. The assembly's theme was how we have developed the four principles during the the reception year. Here are the four principles which are the foundation for our education in the nursery and reception classes. We have adapted them from the originals in order for the under fives pupils to understand them.

Rydyn ni wedi arbrofi â llinellau a lliw wrth ddysgu technegau peintio gwahanol. Nid ar bapur yn unig gall paent fynd!

We have been experimenting with lines and colour whilst learning different painting techniques. It's not only on paper that paint can go! 

Pen-blwydd hapus Smotyn yn dair oed heddiw - y 10fed o Fai! Trefnon ni barti mawr iddo, gan greu hetiau, gwahoddiadau, cardiau a brechdanau. Roedd angen mesur ein pennau er mwyn creu hetiau addas. Roedd rhaid dilyn cliwiau er mwyn dod o hyd i anrhegion Smotyn oedd o gwmpas yr ysgol. Am hwyl a sbri!

Happy birthday Smotyn, three years old today - the 10th of May! We organised a party, making hats, invitations, cards and sandwiches. We measured our heads to make hats that fit. We had to follow clues to find Smotyn's presents which were hidden around school. What fun we had!

Rydyn ni am greu caffi yn y dosbarth i chwarae rôl, felly aethon ni i'r dref er mwyn gweld caffi go iawn. Cerddon ni yn bell, ond gwelon ni lawer o bethau diddorol ar y ffordd. Roedd smotyn yn y caffi yn barod!

We want to make a cafe role play corner in our class, so we went to town to see a real cafe. We walked a long way, but we saw lots of interesting things on the way. Smotyn was already in the cafe!

Cawsom hwyl tu fewn a thu fas yn mesur, gan ddefnyddio gwahanol bethau. 

We had lots of fun inside and outdoors measuring, using different things.

Pasg Hapus! Happy Easter!


Rydyn ni wedi cael hwyl a sbri yn defnyddio gwahanol offer i greu cardiau Pasg. Defnyddion ni ffyrc plastig i greu'r plu, a dysgon ni sut i greu pig sy'n neidio.

We have had lots of fun using different materials to make Easter cards. We used plastic forks to make the feathers, and we learned how to create a beak that jumps.

Dyma'r parêd hetiau Pasg.

Here is the Easter hat parade.

Dyma'n nythod Pasg sioceld - mmmm!

Here are our chocolate Easter nests - mmmm!

Daeth y Bwni Pasg i'r dosbarth a chuddio wyau. Roedd rhaid i ni fynd ar helfa i'w darganfod!

The Easter Bunny came to class and hid eggs. We had to go on a hunt to find them!


Rydyn ni wedi bod yn lwcus i gael wyau mewn deorfa yn y dosbarth. Gwylion ni nhw yn deor, a gwnaethon ni weld y cywion yn tyfu!

We have been lucky to have eggs in an incubator in class. We watched them hatch, and we saw the chicks grow!

Dewch i ailgylchu! ~ Let's recycle!

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn gwneud prosiect ar ailgylchu i ddysgu sut i ofalu am ein byd ni, ac i fod yn ddinasyddion egwyddorol, gwybodus.

We've been doing a project on recycling to learn how to look after our world, and to be ethical, informed citizens. 



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Gwnaethon ni ein hofferynnau ein hunain allan o sbwriel wedi'u hailgylchu ar gyfer y rap.

We made our own musical instruments out of recycled rubbish for the rap.

Defnyddion ni botel blastig i chwythu swigod i addurno teitl yr arddangosfa Ailgylchu.

We used a plastic bottle to blow bubbles to decorate the Recycling display.

Diwrnod y Llyfr World Book Day

Gweithgareddau Dydd Gwyl Dewi  

Saint David's Day activities

Tasg Dysgu Gartref ~ Creu llwyau caru

Home Learning task - Creating love spoons 

Cawsom ni hwyl a sbri yn 'Go Wild'! Defnyddion ni ein sgiliau corfforol ac roedd pawb wedi blino erbyn diwedd y sesiwn!

We had lots of fun in 'Go Wild'! We used our physical skills and everyone was tired by the end of the session!


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Dyma Smotyn yn ei siwmper Nadolig smart! Edrychwch ar ein gwisgoedd hyfryd ni!

Here is Smotyn in a very smart Christmas jumper! Look at our lovely outfits!

Ein prosiect cyn gwyliau'r Nadolig oedd 'A Wyddoch chi am....?' a dysgon ni am y Nadolig cyntaf un amser maith yn ôl.

Our project leading up to the Christmas holidays was 'Did you know about..?' and we learned about the very first Christmas a long time ago.


Rydyn ni wedi bod yn brysur yn ymarfer a pherfformio ein sioe Nadolig. Defnyddion ni'r sgrîn werdd i greu ffilm o'r sioe.

We have been busy practising and performing our Christmas show. We used the green screen to make a film of the show.

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Gwnaethon ni gardiau Nadolig, calendrau ar gyfer y Flwyddyn Newydd, hosanau a chraceri.

We made Christmas cards, calendars for the New Year, stockings and crackers.

Ein prosiect cyntaf yw 'Pam fod dail yn newid lliw yn yr Hydref?'. Edrychon ni yn ofalus ar crinddail, gan ddefnyddio chwyddwydrau er mwyn gweld y lliwiau a phatrymau gwahanol. Edrychwch ar ein gwaith arlunio.

Our first project is 'Why do Autumn leaves change colour?' We looked carefully at different leaves using magnifying glasses to see the different colours and patterns. Look at our art work. 

Dysgon ni am anifeiliaid fel y draenog, sy'n paratoi ar gyfer gaeafgysgu drwy gasglu bwyd a chreu nyth. Aethon ni ar helfa fwyd i helpu ein ffrind 'Draenog Bach' gollodd ei fwyd o gwmpas yr ysgol!

We learned about animals like the hedgehog, who prepares to hibernate by collecting food and building a nest. We went on a food hunt to help our friend 'Little Hedgehog' who lost his food around the school grounds!

Chwaraeon ni gêm Bob y Beebot, ac roedd rhaid danfon Bob o gwmpas y goedwig i ddod o hyd i fwyd y draenog. Roedd angen defnyddio sgiliau mathemateg i gyfrif ac i droi.

We played a Bob the Beebot game, and had to send Bob around the forest to find hedgehog's food. We had to use our mathematical skills to count and turn.

Helpon ni Draenog Bach drwy greu lolipops allan o'i hoff fwyd, a'u rhoi nhw tu fas.

We helped Little Hedgehog by making lollipops out of his favourite food, and putting them outside.

Un diwrnod gwyntog, chwythodd y gwynt lawer o ddail i'r rhedfa, a chasglon ni nhw i greu nyth i Draenog Bach.

One windy day, the wind blew lots of leaves onto our yard, and we collected them to make a nest for Little Hedgehog. 

Rydym wedi bod yn mwynhau cyfres o storiau am ddraenog a'i ffrindiau cwningen, mochyn daear, llygoden, dwrgi a charw.

We have been enjoying a series of stories about hedgehog and his friends rabbit, badger, mouse, otter and deer.

Mwynheuon ni ddysgu am hanes Guto Ffowc a Noson Tân Gwyllt. Coginion ni fisgedi sêr lliwgar.

We enjoyed learning about the history behind Guy Fawkes and Firework Night. We cooked colourful star biscuits.

Ar ddiwrnod Plant Mewn Angen, gwnaethon ni ymarfer y sgiliau torri allan rydym wedi bod yn dysgu er mwyn creu pypedau symudol Pydsi.

On Children in Need day, we practised the cutting out skills we have been learning to make moving Pudsey puppets.

Daeth Lauren o'r Urdd i wneud sesiwn Ymarfer Corff gyda ni - am hwyl a sbri!

Lauren from the Urdd came to do a Physical Education session with us - what fun and games we had!


Daeth Carys o Gwmni 'Ffa La La' i wneud sesiwn dawns a chân gyda'r dosbarthiadau dan 5. Mwynheuon ni'n fawr iawn!

Carys from the 'Ffa La La' company came to do a song and dance session with the under fives pupils. We really enjoyed!


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Dysgon ni am bwysigrwydd bwyta'n iach a chadw ein dannedd yn lân. Rydym yn brwsio ein dannedd yn y dosbarth er mwyn gofalu am ein dannedd.

We learned about the importance of eating healthily and keeping our teeth clean. We brush our teeth in class to look after them.

Ysgol Cynwyd Sant, Pen-Yr-Ysgol, Maesteg, Bridgend, Wales, CF34 9YE Tel: 01656 815615